Thursday, May 04, 2006

More proof I've been watching too much TV

Katy's comment about crying at commercials got me thinking. I, too, have shed tears at sappy commercials, but strangely not lately. If anything, commercials have begun to really annoy me. I suppose I've always had somewhat of a critical eye when it comes to such things. J can always expect some unsolicited commentary along the lines "what ad wizard came up with that one." Which is probably more annoying than the commercials.

Allow me to share the TV ads that are currently stuck in my craw:

KFC...I've started calling people 'side hogs' just to see if I come off as obnoxious and bitchy as the girl in this commercial.

Remax...How far did that guy have to relocate to buy that treehouse? I can't imagine they are available in most American communities. You know, I've always dreamed of living in a house made out of recycled newspaper and hub caps. I'll wait for your call.

Beneful...dude, you're the one who bought the dog food, you know it's dog food, even if it has peas in it.

And the one I dislike the most, and luckily the one that will only be on for another week is...

Kay Jewlers Mother's Day commercial. This is the one where the lady who played Bobcat Goldweith's girlfriend in one of the Police Academy movies is a mom and her husband opens the garage and there are like, 13 kids who launch into a "you're an awesome mom" song. Complete with precocious little girl on lead vocals and maracas. What gets me most is that those kids sound like they're in a freaking studio. I believe they are harmonizing. It is obviously voiceover and way out of the abilities of the average family band...they ain't the Osmonds. And even if by some miracle these kids did pull it off, there is no way this little performance could have happened with out ALOT of practice...which mom MUST have the garage. And the song, I don't know, just BOTHERS me. I cringe. Make it stop. Oh, and just so you know, a little diddy isn't good enough for Mommy, be sure to stop by Kay Jewlers and get her some DIAMONDS, ok?

If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing one or all of the above commercials, just tune to TLC and watch the Baby Story, What Not to Wear, 10 Years Younger daily shmorgesborg.


KidTaster said...

LOL! We really ARE sisters! Kyle showed me that Kay Jewelers commercial because he thought I would think it was sweet. When he saw my reaction to it, he accused me of having PMS. I am glad to hear I am not the only person who thought that the amount of work needed to pull of that song was ridiculous, as was the idea that after all that work, diamonds were still neccessary. Pth.

The last commercials I can remember crying at are the Kodak commercials, where the little kids are walking through the big gallery and looking at historical photos, and the EBay commercial where people are doing nice things for each other. I also like the commercial for Universal Studios where the little girl says "If I had to hug one more princess on my vacation, I was gonna hurl". It didn't make me cry, but it made me want to give her a high 5. I hate those damn princesses.

Anonymous said...

ha...I'm sure your holding your breath waiting for that Keepsake Heartshaped Pendant from the Bean...

Oh, I remember that polaroid commercial where the kids make the family tree and give it to their grandparents...that one made me cry.

Mrs. Brian Johnson said...

Congrats on your baby news. Now that you're pregnant, do not flip out if you realize you're watching eight hours of TLC programming/day. This was my one vice while I was pregnant. I think my son thought his daddy might be Andrew Dan-Jumbo... he still calms down when he hears the "While you were Out" theme song. And I would smack his hand with a spoon if he hogged all those KFC mashed potatoes. Incidentially, baby was 2 weeks late, born Nov. 19th -- I think he wanted to be a Sag like his mommy. Happily, he's a sunny and smiley little guy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Yep, the TLC is on all day...I've grown to tolerate Chase Dakota, she used to annoy me, but she can redo my bedroom any time if Andrew is there.

P-Diddy in Sin City said...

My current most-hated commercial is one for some sort of drain cleaner. There is a couple sitting at a cafe in Paris, speaking French. I think, hmm, what is this for? No subtitles? And then, out of NOWHERE, a giant flying TURD splats onto their table. Quelle horreur! The slogan? "Blast clogs away. Far away." Um, ew?