Monday, October 23, 2006

We are a sorry sight. If my whining and complaining about the discomfort of baby belly weren't enough, J tweeked his back. So we both spent Sunday on the couch wincing and groaning.

This weekend was supposed to be the final nursery furniture building weekend, but due to Js injury it only seemed appropriate to put it off another week. His back was compromised during the moving of the carpet for the nursery, so a little bit is done. Though now the door won't close. Bah. I know "readying the nursery" is supposed to be fun and something a new mama looks forward to, but I'm having trouble getting motivated. Maybe it's because there are so many stairs between the nursery and the couch? I'm counting on a surge of nesting instinct to push me through.

Today I bought my binsi skirt! I've talked to a few mama's who didn't like the hospital gown experience (makes you feel like you're sick and it bunches up, not to mention leaves your butt hanging out) and have heard some nice things about this little outfit. Hopefully it will be comfortable. I'll give a review once I'm done!

So besides building of furniture, what is to be done? Well, I think I finally got all the gear I needed. I found a used Arms Reach at Once Upon a Child for the next to the bed. I have diaper stuff, got the newborn disposables as well. Now besides putting everything away once the furniture is built, I need to figure out how all this stuff works! Breast pump, bouncey seat, car seat, stroller, much! Right now, my stuffed Hokie Bird has been the stunt double for Fredward. His tail makes him less than ideal for diaper practice. I would take a picture, but my battery is dead.

Tonight is our last birth class. Crazy. That means we're close. It's a potluck, so I need to get cookin'! I'm just going to make cous cous, since I'm not sure if anyone is vegetarian. Most likely, somebody is. I hope we exchange email/phone numbers with some people. It hasn't been a real social group. Mostly just gettin' down to business. But there are a few nice couples that it would be cool to touch base with, since we're all going through the same things. I also wanted to start a mama trivia team...since J and I's trivia DOMINATION (we won 3 rounds last week!) will have to end once the little guy shows up. Figured the ladies can go out and leave the babes at home for an evening. Hmm...I'll have to come up with a good team name.

Daddy's Turn
Pump before the Pints me out!


P-Diddy in Sin City said...

Gestation Nation? (C'mon, you know it's good. :)

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of the Binsi Skirt? I am so intrigued. I will have a bunch of questions for you. So you wear it during delivery?

Anonymous said...

Lovin' it diddy...

Mrs. T!! Ask away, but I must remind you that I don't really know anything:-) It's a skirt that you can wear during delivery, but the most appealing aspect for me is being able to walk around in it during labor instead of a gown. I don't want all my junk hangin' out. And I think I'll be more likely to try all the labor positions we practiced in class if I'm a little more covered (hello deep squat!) I'm sure all modesty goes out the window once the process starts, but knowing I will be at my most comfortable makes me feel more at ease. We'll see how it goes...

KidTaster said...

Yeah, Nacho, by the time you get to the deep squat (are you doing this unmedicated?) the whole hospital staff will have already seen your junk, lol. The skirt is cute, though, and it will be good for the waddle down the hall to take your first post-labor shower and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! On my pain management chart I am a -3, which means give me drugs if I ask for it, but if "labor is short and not too painful" I will go without...not sure if that EVER happens, especially the first time. I'm pretty sure I'll end up with drugs, but you never know. Chances are since I'm not committed to not having drugs, I'll take 'em.

I got a purple one :-) my last purchase of "maternity" clothes. yay! Oh crap, I still need bras. oh well.