Monday, January 09, 2006

Nacho Delurking Day - Wed 1/11/06

I mentioned this before, so now is the official announcement.

Wednesday. Wednesday! WEDNESDAY!

I am having a De Lurking Day, Wednesday January 11th.

That means if you come here as a looky-loo, please just say 'hey' in the comments (on wednesday). For every commenter I will donate $1 to Noah's Wish. I will post the entry to comment on the morning of January can comment here if you want, but do it again on Wednesday's post to get it to count. My previous post regarding this generated some comments, though I don't think everyone got the concept. Wednesday.

This may end up being a disappointing experiment, I have a sitemeter and it's not too exciting, but who cares. Noahs Wish need that $3!

See you Wednesday!!!


FINY said...

I can't wait to make my comment tomorrow! I should think up something exciting to say so that I really earn that one dollar donation ...

Finy wanders off tapping her temple and muttering "think, think, think" in the style of Winnie the Pooh ...

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to think of something interesting to post for people to comment on, but so far I've come up with nothing.

Nacho walks the fridge and grabs a Guinnes muttering "beer, beer, beer" in the sytle of Homer Simpson